Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dock activity

It is just so different since Steve's departure,...the whole "face" of the slaughter has changed,..I recognize less than half the lizards on the dock at any given time.

Carl (#1),  Ned (#2), Blue,  Scott, Stubby, and Scott's almost identical twin; "Small-Spine" are the only regulars I know,....Carl and Ned being the only larger Iguanas, over three years old.

Scott; and Blue were just a hatch-lings in 2010,..and "yearlings" last season, (2011),... both seem to have grown and made there way into the ranks this year,..I want to say the two are non-violently vying for the new #3 slot,...(Steve's position for years).



There are many new members of the dock clan, that I wouldn't/couldn't really refer to as even a fringe lizard that moved in slowly,..these guys just arrived out of nowhere and became regulars over-night.

Most are "yearlings",...but the most amazing part is that most of these young Iguanas,  even Blue and Scott, Scott's brother,.. are exhibiting stripe patterns that are smooth, straight and vertical and   become "squiggly"/ irregular in the upper half of the body.

It was the day I noticed this last week that "Dotty" showed up out of nowhere after a long disappearance.

She was Gravid.

it was at this point I had the epiphany/came to the conclusion, that I was surrounded 
 by Steve and Dotty's children.

Almost all have the physical characteristics/markings, irregular vertical stripes from Steve, and small "stipple"-like  dot patterns of  Dotty.

....almost all, there is one new yearling ,...only one,.. that does not fit this description,... at all.
He/she has "Olive" colored skin, no pattern at all above mid-body. 

I must assume this new little regular is Carl's kid.

Left; the single "yearling" bearing  Carl's color+ pattern

I am hoping the absence of Lady is simply due to her borrow-digging and egg-laying procedures/activities,.... however It has been about a month since I have last seen her.

At this point in time,...Carl is not only the King, but as far as my relationship with them goes,..he is the only "hand-feeder" left of the original 3 in the header photo.

recent activity note; Carl is NOT tolerating Ned as #2,...the single day I witnessed them seemingly getting along must have been a fluke.

Carl is actually spending hours at the dock, is apparent he is occupying  the  #1, AND #2 positions, a full-back covering the goal keeper, or vice-versa.

 My infant/toddler son has been joining me for my observation sessions,... is starting to really notice them,... gets very excited, (starts to laugh and giggle) when we go down to the dock.

My 5.5 month old son Indy, with Carl in background
Carl is done eating for the day and is about to jump in the water and swim to the dock,, (pictured in bkrnd) first,.. will then make his way via branch-to-branch climb/jumping to the top of his Australian pine, (also in the pic) to roost.
his daily journey is just over 100 yards, (a football field), each way.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

David and Goliath

So one day last week with coffee in hand I'm down am the dock putting out some Mustard greens, and Romaine for the gang, when I feel as though I'm being watched,..but there are no people or iguanas to be seen.
I went about my business, and as I was hosing off part of the dock, I noticed something large under the floating Jet-dock.

We have many different species of fish that visit the dock, some are regulars and then there are the animals that you only see once in awhile.

There have always been grouper in our canal,.. I have seen plenty of; Black Grouper, Gag Grouper, and small Jew Fish, a.k.a."Goliath Grouper",...but well,...pardon my language on the video,..I was taken back, when I looked under the dock to see a 4'+, (four foot plus) Jew-fish staring up at me.

By the time I wrestled my phone from my  phone from my pocket,..he dropped/descended to the depth filmed, witch is about 9', (nine feet) below the dock.
When I first noticed him, (just moments before I got the camera rolling) he was close to the surface, just a foot below the dock.

I never entertained this thought/scenario until this experience, but I'm sure a grouper of this size, (or even smaller) could, (and most likely would) power-down, (in a split-second) a small iguana as they  swim through the shared water-ways, traveling from point A to point B.

There's nothing,no, nothing, that's higher than me!"

On the far-away island
of Sala-ma-Sal,
Carl the Iguana
was king of the canal.

"If I could sit high,
 how much greater I'd be!
What a king, I'd be ruler
of all I could see!"

 Have been trying to take some better pictures of King Carl in his roost,... not necessarily high quality shots, close-ups, or anything along that nature,.. but a shot to give you an idea of  just how high this animal sleeps,..his branch,...the branch he calls;"bed",  "thrown", and "look-out tower".
I'm not great at estimating distance and height, but I am sure he is at least 45, most likely closer to 50-60 feet above the water when he calls it a night.

I took the below 3 pic zoom-in with my iPhone on a cloudy gray morning last week.
The base of his tree, (an un-indigenous Australian Pine) is at the waters edge, he is cantilevered 10-20 feet out and over the water for a Yertle-the-Turtle  "I rule what I see-king of the pond"  type of  ideology, moreover to position himself  for the ultimate escape,... if necessary.

 Carl's roost

Below is another three-step zoom I shot this morning

 Carl's roost this morning, (5.13.2012)

I can see him after the sun sets until the night hides him completely,  he is almost always in the exact same place and position as the sun rises the next morning.

Carl is basically the Iguana Counterpart of Yertle-the-Turtle,  with half the greed and none of the slavery.


Monday, May 7, 2012

The girls

I changed the header-photo/pic of this blog today, to one of Carl, (with the arrow hole through his head), Steve, and Lady,...and as I was choosing the photo realized/asked myself ; Lady!??,..where the F has Lady been?,...or Dotty,..I haven't seen her either?

Lady and Dotty are/were the two top females in the slaughter, ....constant companions of Carl and Steve, the female counter-parts of 1+2.

They both visited and would spend most of their day on the dock for the past three years, (Lady about 5)...however I have not seen either since Steve was killed?

Lady is funny and sometimes doesn't spend all day, (I could be missing her)...but Dotty usually shows up around 10:00AM and doesn't leave until about 7:00PM,...I am more concerned about this one.

Carl and Lady sharing lunch Halloween 2011
(Just 3.5 months after Carl was shot through the head)

I will be keeping an eye out for my two girls.

The new number 2

....Life goes on down on the dock, (and has been) while I've been mourning my little buddy Steve.
This left an important, desirable  position open,....#2

As I had predicted "Nedrick", aka; "Ned", aka; "Nervous Ned", aka; "Rick", aka; "Slick-Rick", moved right into the position he had been satelliting for over a year,...second in command, the "Dock-keeper" when #1 is busy mating, and/or defending the kingdom.

Ned; The new #2

For now I have decided on just "Ned", and/or "The new #2".

Ned was a sketchy, nervous, jumpy, little outsider, or "fringe" iguana, with very long, (almost freakishly long) spines, he showed up one day in the spring of 2010.

His spines were so long that they fell to one side like the hair of a horse's mane.

Long spines are one of the physical characteristics associated with males, along with a few other physical attributes, I have been wrong before,... i.e. short-spined males and long-spined females, do occur, however in this case,..there is no doubt as to the sex of this new wing-man.  

I have to go on record right here, and be honest that,...(and I know this sounds odd, and extremely  anthropomorphic,....but),...I have never really liked Ned that much.
..I don't know if it's just that I have always seen the iguanas I was familiar with chase him away,... I suspect it is the fact  that he would constantly challenge Steve,...he bullied my buddy.

Carl has been visiting the dock every day since Steve's demise,
......again I hate to admit this, but I would find some sort of gratitude or joy every time Carl would storm the dock displaying and/or chasing Ned,...Ned would flee to the next property as he always did in the face of a  larger iguana or human.

That was until the night before last,...I made a conscious decision to like Ned, include him in my family, to love him like I do all the rest, even go so far as to celebrate his existence,... after all he was just doing what any being would do,..trying to put itself /himself into a position that makes life  ...easier, more comfortable.
...we would all do the same.

So here is the bizarre part, ..... at one point yesterday, (only hours after I made my mental "turnaround") I went down, and couldn't believe what i was seeing,...I ran back up to the house to get my camera.

King Carl  (left), and the new #2, Ned (right) 

It appeared there was a synchronized universal, multi-species acceptance for Ned, and his place here on the dock.
 Carl and Ned were together?!,....Carl showing no sings of aggression at all, just some passive territory marking, i.e.,...Carl is "relieving himself "  in this photo,..he does so, (on the dock) everyday as a constant reminder to the others who is #1.

Welcome Ned, and congratulations,... you worked hard for this, deserve it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Handsome Steve

I don't mean to dwell on loss, but I feel Steve deserves this,...he was one of the entities that made my life what it is, a being that I would lounge around and relax with out on the dock, in what felt/feels (to me) like harmony,..harmony with beautiful exotic, extraordinary creatures, harmony with nature, with the world.

Steve was always there,...on cold days when none of the other iguanas would show-up,..Steve would,..on rainy days, one else would show,..but guess who would be there?

.....he was just always there.

When I was young I had the privilege to go, (with my parents) to St.Thomas, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. While being checked into the small individual "bungalow" I was taken-back, amazed, and immediately enamored with the three or four large lizards scampering up and over the domed cement roof  of the cottage.
I couldn't get over the beauty of the animals, the surroundings, and the nonchalant relationship between the West-Indian Gentleman showing us to our rooms and these large lizards.
 When I asked the man what they were he casually said "Oh day jus Iguana mon,...they no bodder wit no one"
 I returned to my temperate New Jersey fantasizing and swearing that someday I would  move-to, and live in a tropical place where Iguanas roamed free, and were just everywhere.

I did, and Steve is/was an integral part of that life, my life, mine and my wife's world.

The last three days of his life were spent curled up under a Papasan chair ottoman.

Steve about 24 hours before the last time I would ever see him.

Carl and Steve; the last time I ever saw them together, in the background, (in the water) is neighbor "Miles" telling me that Armondo, (behind him on the opposite dock with no shirt) had to "whack  a big orange one with a shovel because it was about to attack his dog".

Meanwhile, the "big orange one", the small dark lizard behind/next to Carl in this photo????
A lizard that is/was 12 inches from head-to-vent, (base of the tail),..and 24 inches of tail, (3 feet total),...but again,...only a 12 inch body.

I don't fault Miles for the way he told me, and as a matter of fact, his wife Pam, (also in the picture, in the water talking with Armondo) is a big fan of Carl's , (she calls him "Redman").

....but while Miles was telling me this story, about this big orange lizard, (that was today, fact a small dark green lizard that never asked to be born here), dying slowly in front of me.

The way Miles told me this story made me realize that he, (and most likely then majority of other humans) think that these animals come and go,... that they are all just on the move, like rouge nomads ravaging the landscape at will.
Nothing could be farther from the truth,.. these little guys stay in one area, are creatures of habit,..they will go to the bathroom at the same place everyday at the same time,... we have had the same core group of  about 12 individuals, at our end of the canal,...(my little piece of paradise),...for years.

I'm also quite positive if I were to try and point out to Miles, or even  to Armondo, (who actually hit Steve), that this was the same lizard,..they would say something like;   " oh no this guy was big and orange,..that is not the same one", not being aware of the fact that these animal change color, and shape in seconds through the use of  chromatophores, body compression, leg extension, and the raising and lowering their spines, (yes they have control over their spines).  

I have now witnessed 3 iguana deaths, one via a large Broad-Wing Hawk snatching a hatching, and now,..two via human.

The two pictures above are the last time I ever saw him, I offered him Hibiscus flowers, (his favorite) and Romaine,...he ate one Hibiscus blossom from me by hand,...I went down about a half an hour later,...and he was gone.

This didn't have to happen.

We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth. 
-Henry Beston

 A young Carl and Steve, (two years ago, spring 2010)
Steve is on the left
I am going to miss you buddy