Thursday, March 15, 2012


Went down for coffee on the dock kind-of early , (for the Iguanas), and there was Steve.
I left Romaine for him and returned to the house, I looked down just a few minuets later and could see him, and Dotty chowing-down (she must have been in the Sea-Grape tree next to the dock,...I didn't see her).

Handsome Steve this morning, (3.15.2012)

A couple hours later,  just before noon ,..Steve and Dotty were still there when I brought more Romaine to the feeding-station/area in the Tiki-Hut.
I had to drop the food and run for my neighbor, was waiting for me to help him move a boat trailer (not the horrible French neighbors,..the good Canadians).Just as we were done with the trailer I heard a large splash,
it came from just in front of my dock.
I hurried back to my property, walked to the water,..and, as I suspected,......Steve was gone, (I had heard him jump in, and swim away).

The King had return to claim his dock, was the day.

Carl returned to the dock today, the first time in over 4 months.

He jumped up on the Crab-trap, and I was feeding him by hand within about a minuet, if we never missed a day/beat.
It seems my relationship with Carl has not changed,... Carl and Steve's however?
I'm not sure I will ever see them together on the dock again.
We will see,..I hope I am wrong.

I went back to the dock around 3:00PM,...Steve was there alone.

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