Monday, March 26, 2012

What the hell is that Dad?

 Sunday, March 25th

Sunday was a big day,... two of my favorite entities met for the first time. 4 month old Son Indy met Carl.

Indy and Carl

Here is a strange picture,...this is Carl with Sebastian, the French Kid who shot the arrow through his head.
(in the inflatable boat behind him)
Carl crouched down, actually "ducked" and drew closer to Indy, my wife and I when he drove by.

Carl with the French Assassin 

Carl has been "wearing"/exhibiting his old muted coloration, has a nice battle wound on the base of his tail, 
AND took his number two thrown yesterday?
...I wonder more and more, if he has lost /been beaten-down by some new Alpha Male.

Two factors cancel that conclusion, A; he only stays on the dock for a limited amount of time, the returns to the highest perch.
B; I have been scanning  the tree tops with binoculars night and day and have only seen Carl occupying   the highest roost, (Wilsons's old branch) with his royal subjects scattered at varying heights below him.
There are two larger Iguanas that I have seen for about a year, (still always below Wilson, and now Carl) I have never seen them come to the dock.
One of these could be challenging Carl with the "realization" (for lack of a better word), that Big Wilson is no longer around.
Carl is large, but not nearly the size of Wilson, (R.I.P.)

Carl sitting at his old desk

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by your restraint Dave that the next picture in the frame after that little twerp Sebastian zipping past on his boat was not one of him in the water next to the boat as the air whooshed out of his inflatable boat...courtesy of an arrow or three.
